3 Healthy Eating Tips to Save Time and Money!

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”- Hippocrates

Eating healthy can be hard to do on a consistent basis. We are all living busy lives that can be stressful at times. Food, especially great tasting food can cause us to over indulge and eat to satisfy an emotional need before a physical one.

I am definitely one who loves to eat! I love all kinds of food, but I make it a point to be ORGANIZED with my eating by using a weekly food plan with easily accessible goodies for those days when I just want to chew on something or taste something really sweet. I’ve learned how to shop for the week and store my food, so it’s ready for me at anytime of the day.

Take a look at some of these tips to help you eat on the go and save money at the same time. Don’t forget to walk and get some yoga in too! These exercises are the best form of moderate movement throughout the week without having to kill yourself on a treadmill. Drink at least 8 glasses of drink water with lemon daily too! Water keeps the skin FLAWLESS!:)

  1. Schedule an Eating Plan for the Week. Breakfast and lunch should consist of fruit, grains, protein, and salad. Dinner should include protein and salad with fruit eaten separately for dessert.
  2. Make a Shopping List. After reviewing what foods fall into the ‘Choose My Plate’ categories, make a list of foods. Try to buy healthy snacks, such as trail mix, hummus, carrots, and cheese sticks.
  3. Visit the grocery store on a Sunday or during a weekday evening. The stores are not as crowded during these times. Go to the produce section first and try to buy the majority of your ‘plate’ from this section. Don’t forget your apples, bananas, oranges, and lemons for your water bottle. Be sure to include sweeteners, teas, and instant hot chocolate. Then, stock up on frozen veggies for the microwave, instant brown rice, soups, popcorn, veggie chips, sliced turkey, bread, and cereal. Also, a few junk food items in moderation never hurt anyone, right?

If you’re trying to lose weight, detox for a week by replacing meat and fish with beans for protein. Then try to complete a 3-7 day green juice detox the following week. Alternate weeks with these detox plans to reach your weight goal. When I’m focused on dropping pounds, this works for me every time, along with Hot Bikram Yoga!

Visit Choose My Plate for more ways to eating healthy on a budget here:

http://www.choosemyplate.gov/healthy-eating-on-budget.html (add hyperlink)

For great detox plans, visit: http://rebootwithjoe.com/rebooting/plans/ (add hyperlink)

Be careful and follow them to the letter to avoid food deprivation!

Happy Eating!


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