Founder and CEO of The Back to Me Podcast (@thebacktomepodcast), Yoli Tamu (@yolitamuofficial) hosts this college-focused podcast inspired by college students across the nation. This podcast was created to answer many questions posed by college freshmen entering this new environment and college graduates heading out into a new world as young adults. Every week, students will be inspired and encouraged by self-affirming interviews and tips to succeed in college and in a career they love.
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Back to Me

In a personal account of her college years, Yoli recalls the lessons she learned that led her to pursue her dreams and helped her identify healthy relationships that would later propel her into an adventure on campus she never anticipated.
The stories in each chapter explore the four years Yoli spent at Howard University in Washington, D.C., where the same professors taught her favorite performer and television mentor, Debbie Allen. Each chapter title is supported by the same song title on a CD that is offered to readers in this book. The music and the message on these pages are what makes this book an enjoyable read for women entering college for the first time. The lessons learned will still be valuable to readers beyond their years in the Quad.
Back to Me CD